early morning i hv to enter 4 Yakin..luckily, all of them give fully coorperation to me..mybe today's lesson was easier kot..i taught countable n uncountable noun je pn..they followed my instruction..rs seronok lak masuk klas ni pg ni..
then..1 Yakin utk kelas ICTL..Ya Allah..mereka ni x tau senyap..ku denda mereka kt luar..x bagi masuk selagi x senyap..so..klas start a little bit late..xpe..janji they can discipline themselves..during lesson, they all mcm langau..rs pening sgt kepala ni..one of the students, azki pn pening klu suara aku berlawan ngn suara kwn2 nya tu..aku minta kerjasama diorg until bulan 4 sbb aja smpai bulan 4..baru tau..mntak aja smpai sudah..huh..xmo..sakit kepala..
masuk kelas 2 Maju pn..Ya Allah..bertambah2 sakit kepala..x reti diam..aku rasa aku sorg je guru ICT yg bg diorg guna internet buat masa ni..tp aku kawal la..but then..they still bising cm apa tah..before the class ends..i slow talk with them..cheh..kuar la ayat sedih ku kali kedua utk ari ni..tp lepas cakap..senyap kejap jek..pstu sambung bising balik..i taught them how to landscape the documents dh msuk 3 minggu..still ada yg lupa..3 minggu ulang benda sama.. frust rasanya..all the girls pulak mcm2 masalah..nk tuka grup la..apa la..tp x maklumkan aku sbg cikgu..pening2..padahal girls cuma 8 org je..tp masalah mcm 80org..tp puas la..dpt sound budak2 ni..klu x..huish..
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Lirik lagu Aku Penat - Alita Nidya
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